Reduce energy costs- continuously!
Ecowatt Nigeria Limited provides bespoke ISO 50001 energy management consulting services to help organizations achieve greater energy performance improvement to save them costs and sustain their businesses.
Our highly qualified and experienced experts are at your demand to provide the following services of ISO 50001 energy management system:
- Technical assistance in the development of ISO50001 ENMS implementation strategy.
- Develop capacity of organization staff on ISO50001 ENMS implementation.
- Conduct energy review/energy audit for organization as a requisite for ISO50001 implementation.
- Assist organizations in conducting internal audit.
- Provide energy manager as a resource personnel for organization to help them run affairs of energy management.
For organizations, the ISO 50001 standard for energy management systems is the ultimate tool to reduce energy costs continuously. To achieve sustainable energy savings, a continuous improvement process in the form of an energy management system (EnMS) according to the international standard ISO 50001 is crucial.
Ecowatt strives to achieve integration with existing management systems (e.g. with environmental or quality management systems). Taking into consideration, systematic and targeted approach, which includes the relevant processes such as planning, procurement, installation and operation.

Find energy cost savings!
An energy audit is an inspection, survey and analysis of energy flow in a building, facility, process or system to reduce the amount of energy input into the system without negatively affecting the output. An energy audit is the first step in identifying opportunities to reduce energy expenses and carbon emissions. Our services include:
- Comprehensive energy audit in homes, commercial buildings and industrial processes and facilities with the goal of making energy flows and losses transparent and finding detailed energy-saving potentials
- Compressed air audit and Steam system efficiency & leakage test.
- Electric motor and pumping system efficiency assessment.
- Heat boiler efficiency test (flue gas measurements).
- Power factor analysis for electricity generation and transformers.
- Generator fuel efficiency test.
- Light system assessment and retrofit.
- Diesel and Gas generator efficiency determination.


Find the energy cost You can’t manage what you don’t measure!
Measurement and Verification is a process of using measurement to reliably determine the savings created by an energy management project. Savings cannot be directly measured as they are only the ‘absence of energy consumption. Savings is determined by the comparison of energy consumed before and after the Energy Management Implementation considering the appropriate adjustment and minimum operating conditions. At Ecowatt, we have Certified Measurement and Verification professionals to undertake projects that require such expertise. We also facilitate the process of energy procurement and sustainable energy financing to carry out Energy Efficiency projects, measurement and verification projects.

Visualize the energy flows!
Energy Monitoring keeps the user well-informed of how much power the buildings, facilities, machines or systems use, what the major loads are, when electric power is used the most, how much is paid for it, and the quality of the power in use. Energy Monitoring hardware and software products are used to improve equipment productivity and lifespan and also to reduce power use and its costs.
Our services include:
- Design and installation of energy monitoring systems for homes, commercial buildings and industry with state-of-the-art equipment such as Energyteam® and Efergy® Monitoring Systems.
- Leasing of energy monitoring equipment.
- Energy monitoring project development for utilities.